This post is a continuation of a previous article that described how to install Microsoft SCCM 2012 R2 SP1. In this post I will briefly outline several important post-deployment configuration activities.
Before starting on the SCCM-related tasks, I will rename the default Active Directory site in my home lab from Default-First-Site-Name to LAB (to match the name of the boundary I will create later). This command, and any other Active Directory related commands in this post, will need to be executed from an elevated PowerShell prompt on a system with the Active Directory PowerShell module installed.
Get-ADObject -SearchBase (Get-ADRootDSE).ConfigurationNamingContext -Filter "Name -eq 'Default-First-Site-Name'" | Rename-ADObject -NewName LAB
And confirm the name change as follows:
Get-ADObject -SearchBase (Get-ADRootDSE).ConfigurationNamingContext -Filter "ObjectClass -eq 'Site'"
Ok, with that out of the way, let's initialise the environment by opening an elevated PowerShell prompt on the site system server, and running the following commands:
Import-Module -Name "$(split-path $Env:SMS_ADMIN_UI_PATH)\ConfigurationManager.psd1"
Set-Location LAB:
$site = Get-CMSite
$sitecode = $site.SiteCode
Now let's create a new SCCM boundary and a new boundary group named LAB, and add the boundary to the group:
New-CMBoundary -Type ADSite -DisplayName LAB -Value LAB
New-CMBoundaryGroup -Name LAB -DefaultSiteCode LAB
Add-CMBoundaryToGroup -BoundaryGroupName LAB -BoundaryName LAB
To configure SCCM discovery methods, use the following script:
$Domain = 'DC=lab,DC=hinchley,DC=net'
$Servers = "LDAP://OU=Servers,$Domain"
$Workstations = "LDAP://OU=Workstations,$Domain"
$Groups = "LDAP://OU=Groups,$Domain"
$Users = "LDAP://OU=User Accounts,$Domain"
# Configure Forest Discovery
Set-CMDiscoveryMethod -ActiveDirectoryForestDiscovery `
-EnableActiveDirectorySiteBoundaryCreation $true `
-EnableSubnetBoundaryCreation $false `
-Enabled $true
# Configure System Discovery
$SystemDiscoverySchedule = New-CMSchedule -Start '2015/01/01 00:00:00' -RecurInterval Days -RecurCount 1
Set-CMDiscoveryMethod -ActiveDirectorySystemDiscovery `
-EnableDeltaDiscovery $true `
-DeltaDiscoveryIntervalMinutes 5 `
-EnableFilteringExpiredLogon $true `
-TimeSinceLastLogonDays 90 `
-EnableFilteringExpiredPassword $true `
-TimeSinceLastPasswordUpdateDays 90 `
-PollingSchedule $SystemDiscoverySchedule `
-Enabled $true
$SystemDiscovery = Get-CimInstance `
-Namespace "root/sms/site_$sitecode" `
-ClassName SMS_SCI_Component `
-Filter 'ComponentName = "SMS_AD_SYSTEM_DISCOVERY_AGENT"'
$SystemDiscoveryProps = $SystemDiscovery.PropLists |
Where-Object {$_.PropertyListName -eq 'AD Containers'}
# 0 = recursive, 1 = do not include groups
$SystemDiscoveryProps.Values = $Servers, 0, 1
$SystemDiscoveryProps.Values += $Workstations, 0, 1
$SystemDiscovery | Set-CimInstance -Property @{PropLists = $SystemDiscovery.PropLists}
# Configure Group Discovery
$GroupDiscoverySchedule = New-CMSchedule -Start '2015/01/01 00:00:00' -RecurInterval Days -RecurCount 7
Set-CMDiscoveryMethod -ActiveDirectoryGroupDiscovery `
-EnableDeltaDiscovery $true `
-DeltaDiscoveryIntervalMinutes 5 `
-EnableFilteringExpiredLogon $true `
-TimeSinceLastLogonDays 90 `
-EnableFilteringExpiredPassword $true `
-TimeSinceLastPasswordUpdateDays 90 `
-PollingSchedule $GroupDiscoverySchedule `
-Enabled $true
$GroupDiscovery = Get-CimInstance `
-Namespace "root/sms/site_$sitecode" `
-ClassName SMS_SCI_Component `
$GroupDiscoveryProps = $GroupDiscovery.PropLists |
Where-Object {$_.PropertyListName -eq 'AD Containers'}
# 0 = location (not group), 0 = recursive, 1 = not used
$GroupDiscoveryProps.Values = "Groups", 0, 0, 1
$NewGroupProp = New-CimInstance `
-ClientOnly `
-Namespace "root/sms/site_$sitecode" `
-ClassName SMS_EmbeddedPropertyList `
-Property @{PropertyListName='Search Bases:Groups';Values=[string[]]$Groups}
$GroupDiscovery.PropLists += $NewGroupProp
$GroupDiscovery | Set-CimInstance -Property @{PropLists = $GroupDiscovery.PropLists}
# Configure User Discovery
$UserDiscoverySchedule = New-CMSchedule -Start '2015/01/01 00:00:00' -RecurInterval Days -RecurCount 1
Set-CMDiscoveryMethod -ActiveDirectoryUserDiscovery `
-EnableDeltaDiscovery $true `
-DeltaDiscoveryIntervalMinutes 5 `
-PollingSchedule $UserDiscoverySchedule `
-Enabled $true
$UserDiscovery = Get-CimInstance `
-Namespace "root/sms/site_$sitecode" `
-ClassName SMS_SCI_Component `
-Filter 'ComponentName = "SMS_AD_USER_DISCOVERY_AGENT"'
$UserDiscoveryProps = $UserDiscovery.PropLists |
Where-Object {$_.PropertyListName -eq 'AD Containers'}
$UserDiscoveryProps.Values = $Users, 0, 1
$UserDiscovery | Set-CimInstance -Property @{PropLists = $UserDiscovery.PropLists}
Get-Service -Name SMS_SITE_COMPONENT_MANAGER | Restart-Service
The following command will configure the distribution point, add it to the LAB boundary group, enable PXE support (without password), include support for unknown computers, and enable content validation on the default schedule:
Get-CMDistributionPoint | Set-CMDistributionPoint -EnablePXESupport $true -AllowRespondIncomingPxeRequest $true -EnableUnknownComputerSupport $true -EnableValidateContent $true -AddBoundaryGroupName LAB -ClientCommunicationType HTTP
Let's create a network access service account for retrieving content from the distribution point:
$account = "sccm-nac"
New-ADUser -Name $account -SamAccountName $account -DisplayName $account -UserPrincipalName "$" -Path "ou=Service Accounts,dc=lab,dc=hinchley,dc=net" -AccountPassword ($password = Read-Host "Password" -AsSecureString) -ChangePasswordAtLogon $false -PasswordNeverExpires $true -Enabled $true
Now let's configure the network access account:
$username = "LAB\$account"
New-CMAccount -Name $username -Password $password -SiteCode $sitecode
Set-CMSoftwareDistributionComponent -NetworkAccessAccount $username -SiteCode $sitecode
In a similar manner, we will create and assign a push installation service account, and in the process, enable automatic site-wide deployment of the client to all device types, including to site system servers and domain controllers. Note: The latter requires the service account, at least in the short term, to be added to the Domain Admins group.
$account = "sccm-push"
$username = "LAB\$account"
New-ADUser -Name $account -SamAccountName $account -DisplayName $account -UserPrincipalName "$" -Path "ou=Service Accounts,dc=lab,dc=hinchley,dc=net" -AccountPassword ($password = Read-Host "Password" -AsSecureString) -ChangePasswordAtLogon $false -PasswordNeverExpires $true -Enabled $true -PassThru | Add-ADPrincipalGroupMembership -MemberOf "Domain Admins"
New-CMAccount -Name $username -Password $password -SiteCode $sitecode
Set-CMClientPushInstallation -EnableAutomaticClientPushInstallation $true -EnableSystemTypeConfigurationManager $true -InstallClientToDomainController $true -ChosenAccount $username -SiteCode $sitecode
To deploy the Application Catalog web service point with default values to the primary site server:
Add-CMApplicationCatalogWebServicePoint -SiteCode $sitecode -SiteSystemServerName $site.ServerName
And to deploy the Application Catalog website point, with a NetBIOS name of SOFTWARE, and branded as Home Lab, use the following command:
Add-CMApplicationCatalogWebsitePoint -SiteCode $sitecode -SiteSystemServerName $site.ServerName -NetbiosName "SOFTWARE" -OrganizationName "Home Lab" -SiteSystemServerNameConfiguredForApplicationCatalogWebServicePoint $site.ServerName -ConfiguredAsHttpConnection
Now let's create a CNAME record in DNS for SOFTWARE (referencing the site server). This command will need to be executed on a system with the DnsServer PowerShell module.
$domain = Get-ADDomain
$suffix = $domain.DNSRoot
Add-DnsServerResourceRecordCName -Name "SOFTWARE" -HostNameAlias "BORIS.$suffix" -ZoneName $suffix -ComputerName $domain.PDCEmulator
We will now update the Computer Agent settings of the Default Client Settings object to add the Application Catalog web site to the trusted sites zone and to set the name of the Software Centre:
Set-CMClientSetting -Name "Default Client Agent Settings" -ComputerAgent -AddPortalToTrustedSiteList $true -BrandingTitle "Home Lab"
Finally, we will create a new device collection for Windows Server 2012 R2 servers:
$Name = "All Windows Server 2012 R2"
New-CMDeviceCollection -Name $name -LimitingCollectionName "All Systems" -RefreshType ConstantUpdate
Add-CMDeviceCollectionQueryMembershipRule -CollectionName $name -QueryExpression "select * from SMS_R_System where SMS_R_System.OperatingSystemNameandVersion = 'Microsoft Windows NT Server 6.3'" -RuleName $name